Friday, September 1, 2017

Create A Bright Legacy

"John Herschel: Father, do you believe in ghosts?
William Herschel: Why, yes, my son.
John Herschel: You do? I would not have thought so.
William Herschel: Oh, no, not in the human kind of ghost. No, not at all. But look up, my boy, and see a sky full of them!"

Last week all eyes were up, looking at history. Having a total solar eclipse span across the United States will make it in the textbooks. But any scientist will say "Yes you are looking at history-8 minutes ago in the past."

Given The Sun's distance to the Earth, the rays that reach our planet were emitted roughly 8 minutes before.

At first I referred to events like this as history but what about our history? In one second I can look into the mirror and the first look I saw was already in history to the one I was looking at now.

Or how about one hour I'm twirling on the dance floor in a Barbie doll gown and then lying motionless on highway pavement waiting for my maker to take to me home?

How will our legacy be then?

Your Words 

The course of events in our daily lives causes us to make comments at the most frivolous things. How many times were you in a meeting or on the phone with a friend, and immediately put someone down?

We think we have an unlimited supply of time and people around us have unlimited supply of patience. But that's not the case.
Next time you're about to say something you wouldn't say to your six month old or your grandma, stop and swallow your words.

Your Actions

Actions speak louder than words. Right now, our country is dealing with the vast undertaking of Hurricane Harvey. Sweeping lives literally out of their homes and land. Reaching your arm to pull someone up from drowning, can go without saying, the most someone can ask of you.

These people don't need to talk. They don't need to explain themselves. They just do, with hopes it is the right action that leads to good.

Some of us are visual learners, therefore we remember an action or a gesture rather than what was spoken. When you demonstrate positive actions, people will speak more of you.

Your Presence 

How do you want to be remembered? How do you get your followers to walk by your side and even take over the baton of leadership? Your presence. I can confidently say I deliver results. As important as that is, what I consistently hear from team members and leaders is my passion.

Your character shapes who you are and is contagious at times. I've asked people why do you think I'm a good leader and they say "I just love how you present yourself. You make me want to work with you; for you."

Presentation can brighten the room and setting that particular tone is critical when starting new roles or projects. People can feel your energy and follow in your footsteps no matter how much the feat.

Your presence can leave a mark no matter how much time has passed.

Hind, you brightened this world. Your presence lit up the hearts of many souls. You were kind, charming, funny, smart and humble. As the amazing heartfelt girl you were, you stood straight up with pride looking for how to support. How to help. This world will be a shade dimmer before. Or it may be brighter for all of us who want to emulate your personality and to live on your behalf. I hate to question fate or say you were taken too soon but your legacy will remain. And what people are saying about you proves that your words were carefully selected, your actions were prioritized and your presence was worthy. We love you so much and always will. You will be missed. 

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